Hot Tub Jets - massage types

Hot Tub Jets - massage types
Hot tub jets come in many shapes and sizes. Tons of combinations of size and colour. The most important part we want to discuss for this article is the type of massage. When i say massage, i mean the way 
the hot tub jets direct the flow of water. There are many different massage types and i will give you a brief overview of how each of these perform and the benefits of each.
If you are looking to choose the right jets as a first time buyer or to simply change the ones you have. My advice would be to look out for adjustable ones. The benefit of this is you can obviously play
around and settle on a pressure and massage type that you like. If you get bored of it or your needs change in a month or so then simply re-adjust. Try to also look for ones that are durable to and known to last.
Chemicals really start to damage your jets after a while and make them brittle.
Hydrotherapy hot tub jets
these hot tub jets are adjusted to your needs. Fully controllable means you can experiment with flow and pressure and get the exact massage you are looking for. These are one of my personal favourites.
Swirling Hot Tub Jets
These jets were designed to swirl the water in your spa. Giving a wider range of massage and making it beneficial for everyone who is bathing in the spa, not just for for those sat in front of your hot tub jets.
Laser Hot Tub jets
You have to be careful when buying this and know exactly why you want them and that you are comfortable with them. The reason i say this, is that they are one of the most powerful jets on the market. They are used to pinpoint 
positions of your body for a "laser" aimed massage at your joints or muscles. Whilst they are the most powerful and intense they are also the smallest.
Whirlpool hot tub jets
These are very big jets and not as popular as some of the others. The reason for this is they are more of a specific. type of massage for a specific therapy needs. 
Pulsating hot tub jets
The clue is in the name of these jets. Yes, they pulsate.The benefit of these pulsating jets is that offer a much more gentle and relaxing type of massage.
Shoulder hot tub jets
These ones are slightly rarer. they are installed differently to standard ones. The inlet is below the water line and the outlet is above the water line. It sucks in the water and directs it to your neck and shoulders.
Pillow hot tub jets
These jets are installed as add-ons in spa pillows. You get in, lay against them and they go to work, massaging your neck and shoulders. These are a good alternative to getting normal shoulder jets installed. These are adjustable
and can be changed to your desired pressure.
I hope this guide helps you towards choosing the correct massage type.